Author: Steven Mirkin

Steven Mirkin is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer. His work has appeared in the New York Rocker, Rolling Stone, Spin, Entertainment Weekly, the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Village Voice, Billboard, Variety, the Hollywood Reporter,, and many others. He contributed to the Rolling Stone Encyclopedia, The Trouser Press Guide to 90s Rock, and the Rolling Stone Jazz and Blues Record Guide. Given the current economy, he is available to write for any outlet that pays on time and whose checks won't bounce.

Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys by Viv Albertine (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press) In A Word: Unsparing f you were a fan of the Slits and their sui generis, serrated, feral music, it should come as no surprise that Viv Albertine, whose scratchy, asymmetrical guitar was…

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Rather than making an album with the implied stature of “masterpiece” etched into its grooves, Wilco keeps it short, snappy and fun on its ninth studio LP, yet without forsaking the experinentalism that has been the band’s hallmark since Yankee Foxtrot Hotel.

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The “impressively assured debut album by the 27-year-old Australian singer-songwriter Courtney Barnett grabs you by the lapels and insists you hear what she has to say.”

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