Back in March, we were comfortably seated at our local movie theater waiting for the main attraction. The lights dimmed and the trailers began. We were there to see an action movie so action movie equals action trailers. So when we heard the instantly recognizable first verse of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” begin – Is this the real life – and then shots of a prison – Is this just fantasy – a shot of a female prisoner with her blonde hair dyed red and blue – Caught in a landslide… – wait, is that Will Smith? Is that the Joker? And so begins the trailer for Suicide Squad the big budget feature coming from Warner Bros. on August 5.
When we got home on that March 2016 day, we quickly searched for the trailer and perused the cast on IMDB. When we watched the trailer below, we immediately realized we had been living under a rock because it had already been viewed 49 million times and we had never heard of it!
We admittedly hadn’t picked up a comic book in over 40 years and fully admit that other than Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and one or two other characters… we’ve never heard of the majority of the summer popcorn movies that are based on Marvel and DC characters.
Besides Smith, Suicide Squad stars Jared Leto and Margot Robbie (the hot babe opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street) as “super villains (that) accept a secret government mission that will likely result in their deaths.”
But getting back to the trailer, we were actually pretty impressed with the use of the classic rock masterpiece with the trailer’s choreography. If you’re not already one of those 58 million previous viewers, see for yourself in our Classic Video…
The reviewers for Suicide Squad have not been kind. It’s tracking at 27% positive via RottenTomatoes.